Genoese pesto sauce 200gr 4/6 portions


Our pesto is made according to Ligurian tradition; we use Sardinian pecorino, Grana Padano, pine nuts, garlic, and basil. ‘Pesto alla Genovese’ is deeply rooted in Italian tradition and one of the most well-known Italian foods in the world. It is usually eaten with pasta shapes such as Trofie or Caserecci. 

Ingredients and allergens: Basil, Sardinian pecorino, Grana Padano (milk, salt, rennet and egg lysozoma), pine nuts, extra virgin olive oil, salt. It may contain other nuts.

Preparation time: 24 hours.

The product can’t be frozen.

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The real traditional Genoese pesto from Rawpasta
Genoese pesto sauce 200gr 4/6 portions

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