Quattro Formaggi sauce 250gr 4/6 portions


For real cheese lovers like us! This sauce is made with four of Italy’s most well known cheeses; Parmigiano, gorgonzola, groviera, and taleggio. This sauce is perfect for any oven recipe and also on a bruschetta. 

Ingredients and allergens: Parmesan (milk, salt, rennet and egg lysozome), gorgonzola, gruyere, taleggio cheese, milk, white pepper.

Preparation time: 24 hours.

The product can be frozen.

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Dostava v 2-4 dneh Pristno italijansko Vrhunska kakovost

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The classic Italian sauce with Rawpasta's Quattro Formaggi
Quattro Formaggi sauce 250gr 4/6 portions

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