Cannelloni di Magro 4/6 portions


    Cannelloni are large pasta cylinders that can be filled with anything. We used ricotta and spinach, following the tradition of eating ‘di magro’, which means eating lighter foods in days of lent. 

    Ingredients and allergens: Durum wheat semolina, type 1 flour, eggs, nutmeg, milk, butter, salt, parmesan (milk, salt, rennet and egg lysozome), mozzarella, ricotta, spinach.

    Preparation time: 24 hours.

    The product can be frozen.

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    Dostava v 2-4 dneh Pristno italijansko Vrhunska kakovost

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    Rawpasta's tasty lean cannelloni
    Cannelloni di Magro 4/6 portions

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